Thursday, 6 December 2012

And Then I Caught a Break

 Meredith and I taking escooty out for his first journey out after rebirth.


               If you have talked to me recently you'll know that I've had more than a few things weighing down on my head - nothing too serious but rather long drawn out processes that were driving me a little batty.  First and foremost was of course the ridiculous fight over my visa renewal which has made some recent headway and is now sitting at the Collector's Office in Madurai.  Only I'm not allowed to have it yet.

               I'm not actually sure why I can't but according to the lady I spoke with she needs to make copies.  And then mail it to me - rather than of course simply handing it to me when I went in to speak with her.  This was of course before she chewed me out for going over their heads and speaking with the police department in Chennai despite the fact that it took them 3 months to get in touch with me and when they did, told me to contact Chennai as they had all my paperwork.  Of course as soon as I did that Chennai then redirected me back to Madurai.  But whatever, it's not like I'm holding a grudge or anything silly like that. 

               My point is that by now I'm used to nothing going quite as simply as it should nor going the way I expect it to.  If I want something to get done I probably have to contact a minimum of 3 people first and then wait for at least a month before 30% of the task has been completed.  Then if I get lucky a few weeks later there might finally be some progress.  Even the small task of having a mattress taken out of my room has yet to be completed.  So now I have an extra bed outside my room that's been sitting there for about 3 days now.  I'm not upset about it - it's not my mattress so what do I care of cockroaches decide to take up residence inside it, just trying to give an impression of the pace of life here. 

               Now comes the story of India handing me a break and it all starts with the Shansi scooter.  When my scooter (re-christened 'escooty') started to give me trouble I tried desperately to stick my head in the sand like an ostrich and deny the fact that there was anything wrong with it.  Accepting I needed to get it checked out meant a new uphill battle to add to my already large pile. I had to first find someone who would help me navigate the city for a place that fixes two-wheelers -  then I would have to entrust my dear escooty over to a stranger in the hopes they didn't forget about it in a dust pile somewhere. 

               There was also the added problem that I had to wait until after Diwali holidays because there was no one on campus who I could ask for help.  Finally when people did trickle back in I decided to take the plunge and accept that once I handed the keys over I would be sans transportation for most likely 2 months.  My fears were confirmed when the campus staff directed me towards the same man who has been helping me with my visa - the same man who I have to call 3 times a day to remind him that I'm still technically hiding out illegally in India for the past 3 months. 

               Jazmin, I thought to myself, prepare yourself for half a year of depending on surly auto drivers who may or may not just been having a drink at the local tasmac bar. 

               What happened next is, in my mind, the miracle of all miracles.  I can't think of it in any other way besides that India decided to throw me a bone.  This story, rather than being another rant, is one of how Madurai crept back into my heart and took me by surprise. 

               Now in order to set the scene I have to explain just what was wrong with my scooter.  I could tell the tires were a little low although I noticed the steering was also quite jerky.  I hoped this was all due to flat tires but inside I was terrified that I had somehow broken the Shansi Fellow's prized possession.  But I kept that all tucked away and instead brought it to the gas station with a friend who was visiting so the tires could be filled up. 

               Imagine my shock when the attendant at the air pump told me that my front tire had been punctured.  On the one hand I was somewhat relieved because at least I knew what was wrong but on the other hand I wasn't sure where this left me.  For the time being I decided going back to campus was the best and only option as I still didn't know where to take it. 

               Of course this had to be the time when scooty decided it could no longer carry two people any longer - in fact couldn't even make it a block without me knowing there would be no more driving after this.  Due to this minor oversight both my friend Meredith and I (two very obvious Americans) were pushing a scooter by the side of a very busy road with probably every pair of eyes focused on us.  I had sweat dripping down my face and was barely halfway back to the campus before I started praying my arms would last that long pushing this behemoth. 

               Just as I was losing hope that I would get out of this with my dignity, out of the corner of my eye I saw a man waving me over.  Part of me wondered whether I should just keep going or turn my head and acknowledge his presence - but of course he didn't give me the option.  His waving became more obstinate and soon his shouts in Tamil got to the point where I'm pretty sure we had everyone's attention. 

               Not knowing what to expect I unceremoniously shoved my scooty to the opposite side of the street where there was nothing but a dusty tea stall and some autos lined up with the drivers sleeping inside.  Hiding behind an array of motorcycles and their owners who were sipping tea and discussing the afternoon news was a scraggly looking older man who carried a box of tools with him. 

               After a few minutes of broken Tamil on my part it became clear that these men not only knew immediately what was wrong with my scooty but also assured me they could fix it in an hour.  For a mere 400 Rupees.  How could I say no?  Yet I almost walked away - it all sounded too good to be true and I was not about to let someone pull the wool over my eyes yet again. 

               But then I thought, why not?  If I left it up to the campus management I wouldn't see my dear escooty for another few months.  However, if I made the call by myself I might only have to part with my friend for a sole hour.  The answer was obvious - throw caution to the wind and leave it here on the side of this dusty road with just one man and his seemingly small tool box while I took Meredith downtown. 

               Of course being the worrier that I am, I could barely contain my anxiety at what state I would come back to find my scooty.  Sure enough after an hour I noticed both wheels had come off (a sight that nearly made me cry) - turns out there was a tear in each tire meaning both had to be replaced.  After waiting for another 30 minutes I joyously watched as escooty was reborn with two new fully pumped tires - the relief that washed over me was so great in fact that I wanted to run up to this random old guy and give him a huge kiss on the cheek.  Except that I was in Madurai and that might certainly give my new savior a heart attack if not make a few stalkers out of the tea drinkers standing nearby. 

               Instead I settled on giving him a nice tip and walked away spouting as many thank-you's as I could manage.  In just a mere two hours Madurai had turned me into a believer yet again - I was like a love-sick heroine in a Tamil film, singing down the road practically throwing flowers at every stranger I met.  Instead of 3-4 months of anxiously waiting for positive results I had the seemingly difficult issue of getting new tires fixed within two hours - next to a tea stall of all places!  It never ceases to amaze me the things that you can get fixed by the side of the road whether it be shoes or tires; you name it and there's someone who can mend it.  What would surely cost upwards of $200 and take at least a day in the U.S., merely takes 2 hours and $10 to get done here in dusty ol' Madurai.  It's truly days like this where I can re-don my rose tinted glasses and walk around the city with nothing but admiration.    

               This may not be as large of an accomplishment as getting my visa procured but to me it was possibly the best gift anyone could give me for Christmas this year.  So long as I have escooty and the random stranger (who legitimately doesn't want to screw me over) that rescues me from embarrassing public displays of sweaty failure, I'm sure I'll be alright. 


Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Supernatural South India Redux


               As the title suggests this is round 2 of strange events in my apartment.  At first I wasn't sure if I would include this next strange encounter but then I realized that this is a blog meant to serve as an up-to-date account of my crazy mishaps in India - so why not include it?  Especially since I already opened this can of worms earlier in two other posts.

               I suppose my uneasiness in bringing it up is due to the fact that I can't really wrap my mind around what to believe.  And since I'm living alone I can't even check in with another person to see whether I'm crazy or they notice it too.  But then again this is why a blog can be so nice - I'll use my audience here to tell me whether they think I'm crazy or not. 

               The first half of this little 'vignette' will be to go backwards and explain a little something about a previous occurrence as well as why it freaked me out.  As I mentioned in a previous post I woke up one morning to find my a door which I have never once locked somehow locked shut on its own.  And not a simple lock either - rather you have to with one hand keep the door closed shut while you slide the lock all the way through to the latch on the other side. 

               That doesn't sound all that sinister or even something to make a big deal out of and yet for some reason it freaked me out more than any of the other stuff that happened.  I thought maybe it's because the idea of having locked doors in your house is sort of an invasion of privacy when you aren't the one to be locking them.  But that didn't seem sufficient. 

               Then I realized that the reason I felt so weirded out by it is probably because I have always felt a little strange with the kitchen space.  In fact for every night I've spent in the apartment I have formed the habit of absolutely having to close the door before I go to bed at night.  When I first started doing this I rationalized it in my mind as being a way to keep bugs from coming into the other rooms (as they seemed to gather in the kitchen area specifically) but that doesn't make much sense.  You see there is a rather large gap between the floor and the bottom of the door that a medium-sized mouse could easily fit through - a cockroach would have no problem scuttling on by. 

               It also didn't make any sense because I also shut the doors in my bedroom as well which means I can't even see the kitchen from my bed at night.  So why is it that I absolutely have to have the door closed before I go to bed? 

               Then I realized that also from the beginning of my stay here in Madurai I have often gotten a creepy vibe in the kitchen.  Perhaps creepy is the wrong word - just plain uncomfortable.  I didn't like taking too much time to wash dishes in there because I would sometimes get this weird feeling like something brushing against the bottom half of my legs or crawling up my legs at the same time yet I would never find anything there.  I would shake my legs a bit but it didn't seem to make a difference. 

               Beyond that the kitchen is a cramped spot so there are many different reasons (outside of the paranormal) as to why I don't like that particular place in my house.  That didn't matter though - to see that particular door being locked gave me the instant impression that someone was trying to give me the message that yes, I am trying to tell you that this is not your space.  You don't belong here, you have good reason to feel uncomfortable, this is my spot and I control it - not you. 

               Anyways that was the first half of this vignette (which is turning out to be far too long to be considered a vignette - oh well).  The second half has to do with an actual event that happened a while back but I didn't tell anyone.  The reason is because this one like the door rattled me a little bit but was also just implausible enough for me to think (hope rather) that I made it up.

               I was getting ready for bed, in the bathroom brushing my teeth, and as I left to go back to my bedroom there was an incredibly loud noise.  VERY loud.  So loud in fact that it didn't even seem like it was outside my apartment or even in my apartment - it sounded like it was right in front of my face, in my ears. 

               I can't really describe what the noise was - even at the time I could barely tell what the hell it was but the best I can say is that it sounded almost like a very loud scream combined with a banging crash.  But the two noises were so muddled together I couldn't make sense of it.  Not to mention hearing it was like when you put your headphones in without realizing the sound is all the way up and you shock yourself with the noise. 

               I could have made it up - perhaps it was just my ears shorting out for a minute and losing some kind of frequency.  Except that my entire body registered the noise.  And by that I mean as soon as I heard it my heart immediately jumped and started pounding in my chest going a mile a minute.  Every hair in my body immediately stood up and I felt like my whole body was tingling.  From the back of my neck to my fingers and down my spine, I was tingling all over.  It was like someone I couldn't see came right up to my face and screamed as loud as they could - an incredible shock to my system.    

               All I could do was stand there rooted to the spot where it happened thinking, did that just happen?  Did I just hear something?  And what the HELL did I just hear?  What in the world happened?? 

               Even after staying like that for a minute I had to go back to my bed and simply sit there for another 5 minutes.  Basically letting my heartbeat slow back down and try to figure out whether or not I was going crazy.  I think that's why I didn't want to tell anyone because it was all so implausible and hard to explain that I was almost positive I had to make it up.  And if I didn't make it up - well then acknowledging it would be much more disturbing than simply pretending it didn't happen.  Because if whatever that was happened on purpose then whoever did that meant to freak me out - and I didn't want to think about that.   Sitting on my bed I made up my mind that I would just pretend it never happened because otherwise I might actually start feeling nervous about living here. 

               But now there's been some time and nothing has happened since then so I feel ok bringing it up.  Actually, no, more than that I want to at least share it because I have no idea what to think at this point.  My attitude towards this, I've decided, will simply have to be the same as it is towards everything in India.  Just accept it and move on - cause there's nothing else you can do about it. 

               In fact really only have 5 more months in which to share my home and I'm certainly not opposed to the idea of having a roommate.  Well, so long as they stop trying to give me a heart attack right before I go to bed.    

Monday, 5 November 2012

Animals Around India

My favorite shots around India - from the cute gatitos who roam around my apartment to monkeys in Kodaikanal and elephants cooling off in Kerala

Can you spot the scaly friend I caught hanging out on the tree?
My buddy - Lala

Sunday, 4 November 2012

Cloud Atlas - Examining the Critiques

              After having just returned from Bangalore and seeing Cloud Atlas I find I can no longer hold my tongue concerning the many allegations that have been thrown at said film.  Warning - there will be more than one spoiler ahead so if you haven't read or seen the film you might not want to continue reading. 

               Although the majority of my readers may not have seen the film I'm sure a few have heard of the accusations against the film's actors and directors.  First and foremost - the heinous act of "yellow-face".  The majority of the anger has been directed towards Jim Sturgess for playing a Korean man.  The question often is why couldn't they get an actual Korean actor to play this character rather than stick a white man in to do his job?

               First of all I feel the need to say I understand the resentment; I get the anger and I agree with the issue at hand.  Time and time again Asian/Asian-American men are overlooked in Hollywood except when we want them to play a form of Jackie Chan or Bruce Lee.  But this film is not that.

               There are times when I feel that the POC community sometimes aim their anger towards the wrong people.  We can't always help it, there is still so much left to be angry about and there are indeed many culprits in  modern America who deserve our wrath.  However that does not excuse us from the necessary job of assessing just who is continually pushing us down and who isn't. 

               I wonder, for instance, if those complaining have seen the movie or read the book.  Surely if they had they would understand what it is that the author and directors were trying to accomplish.  The point was to hire a group of talented actors and use them for each story that was told - thusly re-using them for each new character we as an audience were introduced to.  This is extremely vital not only to the entire film but to the novel as well.  Jim Sturgess had a role in each story; but why did he have to play the Korean character?



               Simple.  In Adam Ewing's story we see him help Autua, a stowaway who also happened to be black.  Despite the damage he might do to his standing on the boat, Adam fights for Autua's safe journey and acceptance as a crew member.  At the end of the film after Autua has saved Adam's life and Adam has also saved Autua's life, he comes to the decision that he must leave his family to help with the emancipation movement concerning slaves in the U.S. 

               In the Neo-Seoul story, Jim's character, Hae-Joo, is fighting for the emancipation of 'fabricants', tank-born humans who are treated as slaves for humans.  When they no longer prove to be useful they are scrapped and turned into food for the remaining fabricants.  By keeping the same actor for both Adam Ewing and Hae-Joo, the directors are bringing to life the idea firmly held in the book that we are the same souls merely crossing over the past, present, and future continually bumping into one another.  The book expressed the same plot-point only now that the film has visualized such an idea it has upset quite a few people.

               Some may think that the only reason I remain so passive and on the "white man's" side is because I have no dog in this fight.  After all I'm not ethnically Asian.  But I am Mexican and I could very well have taken umbrage with the fact that they had Doona Bae, the same woman who plays Sonmi-451, plays a Mexican woman.  Not just that but she also speaks Spanish and worked at an establishment which was meant to represent a site that hires undocumented workers.  Did I take offense?  No.  I even clapped at the part in which Ms. Bae exclaims, "Don't call me a wetback," after slamming a wrench into Bill Smoke's head.  But I could argue that a Mexican woman should have been given this empowering moment to shout something that most Mexicans wish to scream at someone at least once in their lives.  However that would not have made sense with the theme and message of the film; in this instance it was much more powerful to have Doona Bae who represents equally persecuted characters in the film to take on this role.      

               Ms. Bae and Mr. Sturgess are not the only ones to smuggle their identity under the guise of another ethnicity.  Halle Berry not only plays an Indian woman but a Caucasian woman and a Korean man at that.  Doona Bae also plays Adam Ewing's Caucasian wife, another important aspect as to why Jim Sturgess had to be both Adam and Hae-Joo.  The point was that these two souls kept meeting one another no matter how many births. 

               Jim Sturgess, an Englishman, also plays the role of  a Scottish character in the film and yet there has been no gripe concerning this despite the tumultuous history that exists between the two groups.  I would think that this would be even more offensive as there is an obvious tension that still exists between the English and the Scottish.  Perhaps it was the make-up artist's choices that did him in.  If so it was a difficult task said artist had, to turn a white man into a Korean man.  No easy feat.  Perhaps you could say they went for the obvious and hurtful stereotypical choice to change only the eyes and nothing else.  They ignored facial structure and any other aspect besides hair color.  But at this token the critiques I believe are at a loss - we don't know the deliberation and selection process that went behind choosing how these characters should be changed.  For all we know had they decided to also change skin color (as there is a distinct difference between a white man's skin color and an Asian man's skin color) but realized that it turned things much too comical.  I agree that the eyes do look unnatural but then again this is a story set in the future where a fad called "facescaping" is quite in fashion; perhaps the directors weren't hoping to come across saying this is what Korean men look like to us but rather what a person might look like in this particular futuristic society after multiple unnatural face changes.

               Seeing as how Hae-Joo's character is someone who fights against the government it's more than plausible that he would have to change his face any number of times leading to such a strange appearance. 

               And did they not change the obvious about each actor at each turn when they had to play a new ethnicity or gender?  They lightened Halle Berry's skin so she could be a white woman (although even here I argue that she looks less like a white woman than perhaps someone who is mixed), gave Jim red hair in order to play a Scotsman, and Hugo Weaving was given rather frumpy looking breasts in order to play a woman.  Modern day audiences often to have everything spoon-fed to them now or they complain and for a film which is already so complicated sometimes you have to go for the obvious.  Even if that could be considered hurtful; perhaps hurtful because of the many terrible things which have already been done to certain communities.  But does this film lie in the same camp as those who have been racist towards Asians in the past?  Can it not be seen as it's own separate entity?  Technically speaking it's not a Hollywood film per se - rather it's an independent film without ties to any large blockbuster movie tycoon such as Warner Bros. 

               Another complaint might be why they didn't choose an Asian actor to play the series of characters Jim was given.  As to that you will have to take that up with the Directors and the casting director.  However my counter question is, how do you know that any Asian actors auditioned for this role?  Seeing as how it's quite risky to enter into any independent production especially when it cost so much money to make, why would a burgeoning actor choose to make a film that might not have any return profit?  Or perhaps it all came down to skill and Jim Sturgess was the only actor they felt capable of the difficult task of playing 7 different characters in one film. 

               To that end I must say he deserves a clap on the back; there is nothing easy about playing so many different characters in one production and seeing as how this is an independent production it takes a group of actors who are inspired by the story in order to want to take part.  Jim Sturgess displays such excitement in his interviews and rather than being able to share his pride over the work he's done as the others are doing he's being attacked for a decision made by the directors.  It's no wonder he went to twitter to vent his frustration; despite other actors also playing Asian characters he has been the most consistently berated for what he's done. 

               Imagine if you worked hard on a project and put all of your labor and love into something only to have people spit in your face for it afterwards.  Of course he made a remark back, most people who are frustrated would do the same. 

               Again I don't mean to belittle the plight of Asian-Americans or the Asian community in any way.  I understand that worse has been done to those groups but does that mean that throwing stones is the appropriate answer?  Should the POC community resort to degradation in retaliation?

               What makes me most sad about all of this is that Cloud Atlas is an amazing film and an even more amazing novel.  In fact I believe that both pieces of work represent ideas that are inherent in our own struggles within the POC community. My favorite lines of the book were, much to my satisfaction, kept in the film and is in my opinion the strongest moment of both.

               When Adam returns home he writes in his journal that he plans on telling his father-in-law of his decision to work towards the emancipation movement.  His reasoning, "If we believe that humanity may transcend tooth & claw, if we believe diverse races and creeds can share this world as peaceably as the orphans share their candlenut tree, if we believe leaders must be just, violence muzzled, power accountable & the riches of the Earth & its Oceans shared equitably, such a world will come to pass." 
               Beautiful, no?  Similar to many ideas that we pass around often in the POC community when we are up against a fight with those who keep us down.  But this is not the lines I was speaking of, the part I believe that most applies to the critiques we are often given when we say we want to change the world lie in the discussion between Adam and his father-in-law.

               "I hear my father-in-law's response.  'Ride to Tennessee on an ass & convince the red-necks that they are merely white-washed negroes & their negroes are black-washed Whites!  Sail to the Old World, tell 'em their imperial slaves rights are as inalienable as the Queen of Belgium's!  Oh, you'll grow hoarse, poor & grey in caucuses!  He who would do battle with the many-headed hydra of human nature must pay a world of pain & his family must pay it along with him! & only as you gasp your dying breath shall you understand, your life amounted to no more than one drop in a limitless ocean!"

               Adam's response?  "Yet what is an ocean but a multitude of drops!"  Does Adam's retort not evoke the same passion we POC's feel when people tell us nothing will ever change?  This statement succintly sums up such a powerful message that it makes me unbearably sad to think people will overlook it. 

               It's a wonderful thing to see such a great perspective in modern day cinema and pop culture (seeing as how we are currently drowning in tripe such as Twilight) and I can't understand how others aren't running to the theaters to watch such a masterpiece.   I'm afraid that this beautiful film, much like Robert Frobisher's Cloud Atlas Sextet, will go quietly unnoticed by the masses - and that is a travesty.

               The entire time I saw this film I coudn't help but feel as a POC that the book and film were made for any group who has ever felt persecuted; it has done a great thing for us.  It's showing us just how connected we all are and though our plights may be different when you boil it down to it's most simplistic form there is no difference between a Korean woman and a Mexican woman; there is no difference between a black man and a Korean man.  We all inevitably want the same things and if our souls can travel back and forth between such supposedly "different" vessels than doesn't that mean we are only as different as we conceive ourselves to be?  Does not each actor in this film evoke that (including Jim Sturgess) when they don their makeup? 

               My last argument concerning the rants against this film deal with my own time in India.  It has made me realize that constantly bickering and trying to find racist meaning behind all that happens in society will make you bitter, angry, and ultimately be a waste of energy.  Were I to get upset about every tiny injustice that happens to either me or those around me here I would surely pass away with a cold and hardened heart. 

               Especially the myth that white people are the only ones who treat POC' incorrectly.  What a laugh!  How many times have I heard people in India call Native Americans, Red Indians!  And how many times have I heard them refer to Mexicans as Red Indians, why I've lost count.  Not to mention the resentment and slanders they often use when referring to anyone of East Asian or South Asian descent. 

               But where I to get into an argument with each of those people it would do no better than to scream at a wall for the response I would get.  It's important to choose your battles and to decipher who it is that is the culprit and who might accidentally appear to be one. 

               For instance, at Lady Doak College the students held a competition concerning African-American literature.  One of the competitions was to do a small 5 minute play concerning a story written by an African-American author.  Seeing as how many of the works they read dealt with persecution of African-Americans by white people in America the girls decided to do something that would help the audience identify which characters where which.  Those playing African-American roles painted their faces black while those playing white characters painted their faces white. 

               Of course as I watched this I was initially stunned - did they not realize the implications of what they were doing?  Did they not know that blackface is an incredibly insensitive act?  Shouldn't they inherently know this because they are POC's?

               No.  Blackface is primarily an American construct.  These girls were not thinking of this as a politically incorrect action.  Rather, they wanted to make it clear to the audience using an obvious marker who was who in the play.  Being South Indian most of these girls already have dark skin and so in order to be clear as to what was happening they chose to paint their faces to represent the two groups they were playing.  There was no malice in their hearts when they did this act even if by accident they were offending a group of people.  Do we hurl stones at them?  Do we punish these girls despite their hopes in representing historical injustices that occurred to African-Americans? 

               Of course not.  We can discuss with them how their actions might be misconstrued or offensive to others but we shouldn't lump them with actual perpetrators of racism.  These girls are not the same as those who I've heard make racial slurs against most other ethnicities in India.  These girls are not the same as the ignorant asshole that sent an SMS to Assamese workers in Bangalore telling them if they didn't go back where they came from they would be killed.  They are not the same as those who are responsible for the mass movement of workers in Bangalore to abandon their homes. 

               In this way we must take a critical look and also try to understand the motives behind people's actions.  Also, we must learn to look at the larger picture much like in Cloud Atlas.  If I didn't look at the larger picture constantly here in Tamil Nadu than I would surely lose my mind. 


               * Disclaimer - I'm not trying to say people's anger over this is illegitimate in any way.  This is simply my opinion on the matter however I'm not saying I'm right or anyone else is wrong.  It's simply an opinion and feel free to comment with your own - I'd be more than happy to have a discussion and listen to other people's thoughts.   

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Shots Around Kerala

Outside the hotel room in Thekkady


View outside the windows on the bus from Thekkady to Kottayam

In Periyar wildlife sancutary

On the ferry towards Alleppey

Sunset in Trivandrum

The Kurinji flower which only blooms every 12 years.  I was lucky enough to catch one (supposedly).

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Mumbai/Hungry Cats at Home

                                                                     Street Artist from Mumbai

                             Delicious Samosa sandwich from a street vendor                              


Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Behind Closed Doors

            Here I sit at the Dubai International airport with my purse tucked carefully behind my legs (see I've learned lessons) and my first cup of Starbucks in 7 months.  Dubai might be the worst airport for me to be in right now considering how I have the layover of all layovers (18 hours before my next flight, and on my way home I'll have 23 hours!), not to mention the unfortunate fact that I've recently been suffering from consumerism-withdrawal.  And by that I mean my heart has been waiting to get to Tokyo so I can once again flit around the big, bright city tossing the Japanese government my hard earned cash in return for lots of shiny things.  Yes I realize I'm not fulfilling my duties as an Oberlin grad to shun all that represents the evil consumerist American but I can't help it.  Tokyo was like a playground and for that brief window of time I was there I had  zero financial worries seeing how the Japanese government was so kindly paying me to "study" in their country.  While India has been a different type of playground I have definitely been looking forward to going back to my former stomping grounds.  Unfortunately the Dubai airport has me shaking like a crack addict.  It's as if someone crammed all of Ginza into an airport and it doesn't help that all the salespeople smile at you innocently, reconciling your worries away by reassuring you it's all duty free! 

               Which is how I ended up sitting at Starbucks with a new pair of headphones.  Woops.  I rationalized the decision with the fact that eventually I was going to have to replace my stolen headphones so why not go for it when there's no tax?  However it has been a much greater battle in keeping myself away from the MAC counter.  I try to remind myself that in about 30 hours or so I'll be able to shop to my heart's content, with my lovely prize of mineralized eye shadow not far behind.  So far it's worked the first 5 hours, let's see how I hold up after the next 13.  This might be difficult as every time I lift up my right arm I can smell the Fendi perfume a saleslady sprayed (more like doused really) on me.  Damn it smells good...

               But this isn't a blog about my newly discovered materialistic ways.  It's a blog about India!  And I'll be the first to admit I haven't been very good about keeping it updated.  Especially since that last entry left us on such a sour note I figured what better time than now!  Part of the reason I haven't said much is because I've been trying to decide what I should talk about next; most of my stories have calmed down from stalkers and leeches to minor bumps in the road.  But then, after I thought about it, I realized those probably aren't minor bumps so much as I've just stopped batting an eye at the craziness surrounding me sometimes. 

               Take for instance the day that Jamuna, the lady who works at the International Studies Center right across from my room, walked in on me topless one day.  Or I might have been naked....I can't recall at this point but you get the idea, I was "indecently" exposed.  Now I have to start this off by saying that I had a feeling this might happen.  Why you might ask?  Well I'm sure most people are aware of this but just in case it's never occurred to you before, India is hot.  Really hot.  Like fry an egg on the sidewalk hot.  And while my consumerism may be showing more than my fellow Obies, I can say without hesitation that I am right up there with the kids who religiously take craps at the Environmental Studies Center when it comes to conservation (although maybe not quite as diligent as those who skip showers for whole weeks).  I try my best not to turn the air conditioner they have just last year put into my room and when I break down (which happens quite often) I keep it in a certain temperature range.  And I don't mind doing this because there are many other ways in keeping yourself cool.

               Such as walking around your room in just your underwear.  Personally I prefer cooling off this way over an air conditioner, mostly because sitting around in the clothes you've been sweating in all day isn't very appealing to me.  But anyways I think we are all getting the picture, when Jazmin goes back to her room at the end of the day (or really at any point) there's a good chance she might not be dressed for company.  Some may say this is foolish as I live on a school campus.  And I would tell those people that maybe they should try sitting in a sauna for an hour without taking anything off. 

               Now the second reason I thought this might happen is because Jamuna, as well as pretty much anyone who comes knocking on my door, have a tendency to ignore what subtle meaning might lay behind a closed door.  That is to say they don't give up if you don't answer after their first knock.  In fact they don't even give you a chance to answer.  It usually goes like this:

               *Knock* "Jazmiiiiiin?"

               - 1 Second Pause -

               *door rattles* "Jazmiiiiin"?

               Now, unless I've locked the door than after that first 'Jazmin', the door is opening.  Even when I have locked it there have been a few times where whoever was on the other side was desperate enough that they shimmied the lock open.  One girl simply opened my door, poked her head in and shouted my name.  So much for privacy.                

               During each of those previous times I would laugh and shake my head thinking how one of these days they are going to learn the hard way that you should give whoever's on the other side of that door time to pull themselves together.  I knew that one day they were going to see something they would regret.  I just hoped that maybe it would happen to someone else. 

               And so that day came.  That particular afternoon I had been running around campus, sweating like a pig, and waiting for the moment when I could run into my room, turn on the AC and strip.  5:00 rolled around and I figured it was as good a time to go to the gym, meaning that I would have to go to my room and change.  In my giddy haste to finally be rid of my oppressingly hot churidar (seriously how do the girls in Madurai do it?) I didn't lock my door.  I should have known better but in my mind all of this would only take me a few seconds, not long enough for someone to come barreling in.  Not to mention there was that small stubborn side of me that felt if someone was foolish enough to open a closed door without knocking well then they deserved to be red in the face for a while.  Course I didn't think it would actually happen.

               But there I was, sitting on my bed scrolling down through iTunes looking for just that right song to get me ready for the gym when I heard that all too familiar voice screeching my name.


               There was barely a millisecond between hearing Jamuna's voice right outside my door and then seeing her, bright sari and all, staring at me while I clutched at my chest.  For a minute we just kind of stared at each other with this confusion and terror; it was as if her opening that door on me being practically naked caused a very important shift in our relationship but neither one of us knew what should happen next.  Which of course meant we both started squawking at each other like birds.

               "I'm sorry, sorry, sorry Jazmin!"

               "Sorry Jamuna!"  Why was I apologizing?  I had no idea.  I might have just scarred a lovely Indian woman with my clear lack of shame, seemed appropriate at the time.  Of course I had done nothing wrong besides forgetting to lock my door but still. 

               She left quickly shutting the door, with perhaps more force than necessary, and I just kind of sat on my bed for a minute absorbing what just happened.  Then I just started laughing.  I had been saying it all along and it finally happened, a part of me felt a little justified.  Like, 'Ha!  You want to barge into my room like that well then you pay the price!'  But mostly I just thought it was hilarious and thankfully so did Jamuna. 
I quickly met her outside and we just kind of laughed at each other, she gave me a hug and shakes me a little.  It took her a minute to get her bearings straight, although I don't blame her, and then she suddenly remembered why she had barged into my room in the first place.  Turns out she had been searching for a knife and figured that I would definitely have one (and of course she also figured I would be clothed but that just goes to show that you should never assume anything).  

               Another day in Madurai and another lesson learned.  If you ever decide to get naked in your own room, you better lock that door and put a chair against it cause you never know when a determined young lady in a sari might try to kick down your door (that also has happened but that's a different story).  Although I guess I should say the lesson is that I shouldn't assume that just because I'm in my room I can do as I please.  Unfortunately I'm probably not going to change my habit of getting out of my churidar as soon as I get into my room, mostly because I'm stubborn but also because a closed door is still (and in my mind will always be) an indicator that you should wait for permission before entering.